Friday, April 24, 2009

cont.... icpms training part 3

day 3, day 4, day 5, day 6
(30th march - 2nd april)

class was held at main office Perkin Elmer in Toronto
1st day,mmg semangat giler..
sampai pn awal..kelas start at 9am,kitorg dh tpacak kul 8am..
staff dorg pon ramai y x smpai lg.haha ;)
there were only 5 trainees.
4 was frm UPM n another 1 was frm commercial lab based in Canada,
he's a Moroccan.Alhamdulillah,a muslim too!
tp bila ajak solat,dia jwb..sorry, i dont pray..
kami tsentap..sedihnya..
instructor was Mr. Mark Parman, experienced handling ICPMS fr 30!
the classes went smoothly, with a brilliant explaination n demonstration
mmg clear,alhamdulillah..tu y untungnya if attend training with experts guidance kann
n ade jugak la rupa2nya chemist Perkin Elmer M'sia ajar silap (inhouse training)
rosak tau cone (yg bharga lbh kurg 2k) grrr ganti balik!

alhamdulillah,foods are provided during classes..
(jimat!jimat!leh shopping.hihi)
thanx...million thanks to da staffs esp ms kenga who are very concern bout halal food =)
mcm2 type of cooks gk la y dorg serve..
italian,moroccan,portugise n indian cuisine
tp dek kerna tekak pn ab ni mmg jenis y x adventurous,
sum ppl might say..ruginyer!!!!!
uuuh alangkah bagus nye kalo mkn just tolak kayu n batu je...bahagia hidup!
sumtimes ade gk rs jeles ngn hubby,seme dia telan...
bestnye dia..seme bselera huhu
so..pendek kate, i really not enjoyed da food.sedihkann
bt dat doesnt mean pn ab x bsyukur
x kena selera aje =)

syukur jugak sbb x kn penangan jet lag..alhamdulillah lagi!
cian gk tgk hj ismail..frm da 1st day till final class, dia asyik ngantuk aje...
pdhal kalo ikutkn hj ismail la y besa travel ni..
tp y peliknye jugak...bila sebut shopping je,
hmm leh plak bukak biji mata..haha!
bila final class, dh kurg teruja gamaknye..
masuk kelas pon lewat
msg2 dh xleh cncentrate n focus on lecture
teringat umah la..x sabar nk g downtown toronto!shopping!

oooh nk attend 2nd class,pg2 hr dh hujan..mmg sejuk sgt!
n ms kenga (receptionist) tny kitorg wether kitorg napak x ade snow trn sket2 pg tu..uuhh..melepas!kitorg x perasan...ruginyer!!!!!!

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