Monday, June 29, 2009
being warded wasnt cool..
bosan..bosan..camni rupanye rs duk lm wad
br kt 1 mnggu kn admit tp seksanyeeee
last 2 wks, i did a routine check up @ klinik rawatan mesra
dr rahaya noticed dat my baby's growth wasnt increase much
only 9g fr a week..sikit kann..
he's weight is only 1.95 @ 35weeks!
bila scan...dr informed dat my baby's kidney was bit dilated..
hmm..both of us were blur
panic?of course babe!
she tried to xplain with medical terms bt we still cant understand
n we cant even read her handwriting on da report
phm2 je la...tulisan dr kan ;)
she just advise us to hv a check up @ hosp serdang
on da next day,friday morning..we headed to hosp serdang
with da hope everything will be ok n my bb is fine then,dr said dat his kidney is still dilated
another tests be done,one of them was..
i dont remember bt it called CTG (cardiotography..maybe ;p)
is used fr monitoring baby's heart bb's is OK!
we succeed all da tests,
bt dr still cant giv da reason of da main prob..
she made an appintmnt wif dr pakar HKL on wednesday
bt before getting through da detail scan at HKL,
i must be admitted to ward
to monitor my bb's heart beat..
if my bb getting weak,i'll be induce or operate
no matter beranak jugak!
i was down..sad..worried..
i could not xpress it..
bt finally i cried in front of my hubby =(
darling n dear frens,
thanks guys fr being there whenever i need help..
whenever i need support..whenever i was scared..
thanks fr doa n wishes..luv u guys
being admitted fr da 1st time in my life..
gav me chances to xperience so many things..
da most unforgettable was..i've been delivered to HKL by ambulance
hakhakhak...syok wooo ;p
but 1 hari pening...huhu
i could share sooo many probs,tips during pregnancy with other mommies there..
yup..there were joy n pain..full of happines n sadness
guys..u know what..
"tu la sokmo lupa tuhan" dat was what my mom said to me..
terkedu gakk.hukhuk..
tp mmg ade kebenarannye..
dlm kealpaan n kelalaian,kita mudah lupakanNYA (pn ab la tu)
bt my mom was very ye la..
org kate "takkan mak nk tnjuk dia susah hati, nnt anak takut"
betul gk kann..besides dia lbh dlu mkn garam =)
finally,the day has i go!
ya allah!semoga bbku sihat.amin!!!hanya padaMU aku bserah
semenye bgantung on da detailed scan result..
if there's no improvement..i would stay longer..
maybe will b transfer to HKL.oh no!
i stepped inside da room fr futher scan with thousand hopes...
pray..pray non stop praying mind was zero..
maybe dh redha..
apa2 pon resultnye aku terima, ya allah!
mmg nervous..Dr tekan2 perut..
iskkk..sakit gak..
tb2 dr jumilah (if not mistaken) said.."i dont see any dilation pon"
haaa? iye ke? i smiled..hatiku bbunga riang..
"kejap..kejap..dr cek lg ye..."
ooh dr,pls say no problem!i cant wait sum more!
"yess..its normal still under range..i dont think it's serious unless bngkak dh besar n nk pecah.
i'm quite happy with da scan're baby is normal.xde problem"
fuhhh..alhamdulillah..syukur ya allah..!!!
then there was Q n A between us n Dr
it was about genetic..
kalau genetik,x leh wat ape kan..
tawakal je la..
tb2 dr napak 'gelang berlian hosp serdang' at my wrist
"u've been admitted?why?"
then i replied.." monitor my bb's heart beat"
she added "oh ye la..i yg suruh,takut jadi la just in xpe la..
since bb xde prob..u bleh discharge la"
i was discharge after had a final check with Dr Hosp Serdang
and plus another 2 days MC
no such word could describe my feelings...
Monday, June 15, 2009
story frm friendster blog 1#
salam semua =) pg ni ht riang skali
turn on pc n listen to my peberet song berulang2-pg yg gelap~hujan
ade mbr yg konpius,hari ni hujan ke?muahahha..lawak ar ecah..
layan lg hujan songs sambil study..kimia plak tuh( x suka2) huhuhu cm student jek~
tetibe tringat plak psl xcident itu hr
hmm..21nov we’d a trip to hutan belom,master students nyer fieldwork
at last dpt gk aku g sn,b4 ni dgr mbr2 cite je psl tasik banding n hutan belom..
rezki2 =) tu pon seb baik dr kamil offer..
kalo x,sure blm dpt jejak kaki ke sana
day started wif final preparation at lab
susun lab materials,abg mat n cik din sumbat lam storm
aku packed things awal2 lagi.besanye last mnt nye keje..hehe..x sbr2 kuttt ;p
ktorg tolak dr upm around 9am-bas,merce,storm,sportage
aku naik merce drkamil,drfiruz,lela n ina skali
pttnye tolak kul 8 tp dorg lmbt la jln gk.perut ngh ksg time tu
uuhhh perutku bkeroncong..aku pn sngaja le x breakfast,kate mkn free..
ade makanan tuk,mane mkanannye,xdepon.
seme kete dh start gerak.takde mkn pon..huuhuhu lapar~
kete br gerak 5 mnt,dr kamil stopped n headed to bank.
he came back later n asked us bout breakfast
bagai pucuk dicita ulam mdtg.tanpa rase malu.aku ckp lom mkn lg. ;p
dr kamil tau doh aku mst muntah kalo perut ksg,cam g lojing ;p
sampai hentian rawang,kitorg pekena mee rebus,mee kari,ns ayam.
leh thn mknan dia tp mahal sket ah if ikut standard aku ;p
mkn..mkn..mkn lagi.dr firuz beli lg jajan tuk dkunyah2..aishhhh mkn lg
continued our journey after having a very delicious ‘brunch’..
duk ats kusi empuk pas mkn,terasa plak nk tdo
borak2 sambil kunyah2 lg..ktorg mengomel + kutuk psl highway
bln lps p lojing,jln gni nk siap2..
tetibe aku napak ade lori masuk lane kitorg.dr 2 lane dah tukar jadik 1 je
siot lori ni masuk signal pon tadek.bengong!!!
dr kamil break kete,time tu ngah drive laju 120km/hr tp….
aaaaaaa..nape?nape kete makin dkt ngn lori ni?nape?
nape kete x berenti lg?nape ni….aaaa..
break x makan.ya allah!!
bunyi break kuat tul(tetibe t’ingt lirik last kiss "da screaming tyres") takut!
kt langgar lori dpn ni ke?mcm2 dh tbayang kt pale otak aku nih.ngarut2 pn ade
msg2 panik n kedengaran jeritan cemas + comei frm ina n lela
aku n dr firuz je diam x tkate.seme nye tjd bgt pantas
dlm sedar x sedar,kete dh pusing2.aku pn x ingt berape kali pusing..
tp dlm hati aku risaukan dr kamil n ina jek.impak xcident kt dorg lg tnggi..
at last kete terbabas ke bahu jln lps pusing2 then langgar divider jln.
busshhhhh…kete terseret ke tepi bukit n luckily stuck lam tanah liat.
seme tgamam..
dr kamil bsuara..’keluar mek’
dr kamil made calls asked fr help
msg2 bpandangan.aku pandang lela-lela pdg aku.tsengih.
heee..kita xcident ke?leh plak x caya..
another things made me suprised kete merce dr kamil kemek sket jek,cm tggl cat
lampu pn x pecah.wahhh kagum giler aku.
divider plak yg hancur.kalo la kete tin milo…huuuuh~
aku pandang sorg2.ina agak pucat,body pn cam mgeletar
lela napak cm blur sket~smpat lg kutip asam yg tjatuh ms pusing2.adeh ;p
dr firuz lak cm takde pape happened.tdo kut td.. ;p
dr kamil agak susah hati bt sgt tenang.aku x reti bc riak muka org tp dia mmg cool
xde mengamuk or marah2.stimes bleh plak wat lawak time camni.adeh~
yg plg ptg skali seme selamat
syukur alhamdulillah!! =)
mayb bgt byk hikmah behind da xcicent
maybe leh selamatkan ktorg drpd xcident yg lg teruk
yg bile2 ms jek might happen kalo dah kait ngn break failure kann..
kt leh jd lbh ht2 next time n jgn lupa servis kete
n conclusion yg dpt aku wat = belilah kete merce ;p lol..
aku agak takut gak pasni kalo kete laju then break ngejut..
fuhh seram beb!!!
tp aku still bsemangat nk join any fieldwork pasni
geng,see ya on next trip to bkt fraser
Thursday, June 11, 2009
ikutkn hati,nk ngat ikut..
tp cik abang bz,
hv to prepare docs fr da senate meeting
huk huk...
rindunye nk mancing n swimming
usha old pics la ubat kerinduan
ahaks.. (poyo)
mari kita lihat..sape yg kena!
nk join gak!!
kecik pon kecik laaaa...
lumayan... =)
bosan...apa lg..terjun la!swim..swim...swim...
dr kamil,pakar takut air.adessss
@ tmn herba..try air rebusan tongkat ali & kacip fatimah
xcited do'oh ngn tongkat ali.adesss
tongkat ali 20thn
staf fpas
Friday, June 5, 2009
breathing technique during labor
dr suh cari info psl ni..
pelvic exercise ngn breathing technique focus only on breathing technique dulu..
How to Breathe During Labor
- Step 1
Take a deep, relaxing breath at the beginning and end of each contraction. Release all tension as you breathe out, focusing your attention on relaxing a different part of your body each time.
- Step 2
Inhale slowly through your nose and then exhale through your mouth. Breathing with each contraction helps to make the contractions more productive.
- Step 3
Increase your rate of breathing as the contraction becomes more intense. Breathe in and out rapidly through your mouth at about one breath per second. Once the contraction begins to ease, gradually slow your breathing again.
- Step 4
Try breathing through your mouth in light shallow breaths (similar to panting) at a rate of 5 to 20 breaths in 10 seconds if you are still unable to relax. After every fourth or fifth breath, blow out a longer breath. Continue this pattern throughout the contraction.
- Step 5
Avoid holding your breath when you have the urge to push or bear down. If the doctor instructs you not to push yet, raise your chin and blow or pant to keep from pushing.
- Step 6
Take a deep breath when you can no longer resist the urge to push, and tuck your chin to your chest, curl your body and lean forward. Hold your breath while bearing down. Wait a few seconds and then release your breath, breathing in and out.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
weddington! part 2
1. wedding my hubby's coursemate, a'ah @ sijangkang
dtg awal,area kul 11 am sbb nk try penuhi seme jemputan
x sempat jupe pengantin sbb running of time,
pengantin ngah make up n tukar baju time tu..
makan sedap! nyum nyum..
2. wedding hubby nye geng ms skolah rendah, nor @ jenjarom
byk gile sbb dh melantak nasi byk kt umah a'ah td..
i'm looking fr sumthing diff..haaaa ade laksa penang..
syok btul layan laksa penang time kenduri ni kann.
sodap!!!! =)
3. majlis sambut menantu cda & majid @ alor gajah,melaka
pas majlis nor, kitorg pecut to melaka
mula2 sesat gk,pening bc map. (grrrrr)
smpai area kul 3pm bt jemputan still ramai lg..
majlis meriah ngn alunan lagu hindustan (cda....hindustan tu... ;p)
lepak lama sket sbb sangat kenyang.hihi
bosan2 amek gambar.haha
moga berkekalan hingga ke akhir hayat
p/s cda: ab cam x caya jek cda dh kawen.huhuhu
u look gorgeous on dat day..congrats again frm ab n am
joli di hari mnggu
we've been lost contact since he moved to perak
bakhtiar, mbr abg since matrik penang..
then futher degree same course,
microbiology & same uni,UPM..
abeh study, dorg ni stay in one roof
n sm2 keje kt mc d
kt mc d la br kenal hubbyku n bakhtiar ni.
now,he's on kpli course in kedah while his fiance is on
"warden penjara"!! =)
quite suprise bile tgk baktiar sbb dia makin tembam skang.haha
dorg plan bina masjid next year memandangkn
2-2 ngah on training..sibuk kann
kitorg tgk movie,Terminator..
hmm..not gak tp cam x puas hati ngat
sbb hero patutnye mati on da spot sbb kn tikam kann..
bakhtiar n shikin, jgn lupa hantar jemputan nnt ye =)
am & ab
jika aku jatuh cinta..
cintakanlah aku pada seseorang
yang melabuhkan cintanya padaMu
agar bertambah kekuatanku untuk menyintaiMu..
Ya Muhaimin..
jika aku jatuh hati..
izinkanlah aku menyentuh hati seseorang
yang hatinya tertaut padaMu
agar tidak terjatuh aku
dalam jurang cinta nafsu
Ya Rabbana..
jika aku jatuh hati..
jagalah hatiku padanya
agar tidak berpaling daripada hatiMu..