being warded wasnt cool..
bosan..bosan..camni rupanye rs duk lm wad
br kt 1 mnggu kn admit tp seksanyeeee
last 2 wks, i did a routine check up @ klinik rawatan mesra
dr rahaya noticed dat my baby's growth wasnt increase much
only 9g fr a week..sikit kann..
he's weight is only 1.95 @ 35weeks!
bila scan...dr informed dat my baby's kidney was bit dilated..
hmm..both of us were blur
panic?of course babe!
she tried to xplain with medical terms bt we still cant understand
n we cant even read her handwriting on da report
phm2 je la...tulisan dr kan ;)
she just advise us to hv a check up @ hosp serdang
on da next day,friday morning..we headed to hosp serdang
with da hope everything will be ok n my bb is fine then,dr said dat his kidney is still dilated
another tests be done,one of them was..
i dont remember bt it called CTG (cardiotography..maybe ;p)
is used fr monitoring baby's heart bb's is OK!
we succeed all da tests,
bt dr still cant giv da reason of da main prob..
she made an appintmnt wif dr pakar HKL on wednesday
bt before getting through da detail scan at HKL,
i must be admitted to ward
to monitor my bb's heart beat..
if my bb getting weak,i'll be induce or operate
no matter beranak jugak!
i was down..sad..worried..
i could not xpress it..
bt finally i cried in front of my hubby =(
darling n dear frens,
thanks guys fr being there whenever i need help..
whenever i need support..whenever i was scared..
thanks fr doa n wishes..luv u guys
being admitted fr da 1st time in my life..
gav me chances to xperience so many things..
da most unforgettable was..i've been delivered to HKL by ambulance
hakhakhak...syok wooo ;p
but 1 hari pening...huhu
i could share sooo many probs,tips during pregnancy with other mommies there..
yup..there were joy n pain..full of happines n sadness
guys..u know what..
"tu la sokmo lupa tuhan" dat was what my mom said to me..
terkedu gakk.hukhuk..
tp mmg ade kebenarannye..
dlm kealpaan n kelalaian,kita mudah lupakanNYA (pn ab la tu)
bt my mom was very ye la..
org kate "takkan mak nk tnjuk dia susah hati, nnt anak takut"
betul gk kann..besides dia lbh dlu mkn garam =)
finally,the day has i go!
ya allah!semoga bbku sihat.amin!!!hanya padaMU aku bserah
semenye bgantung on da detailed scan result..
if there's no improvement..i would stay longer..
maybe will b transfer to HKL.oh no!
i stepped inside da room fr futher scan with thousand hopes...
pray..pray non stop praying mind was zero..
maybe dh redha..
apa2 pon resultnye aku terima, ya allah!
mmg nervous..Dr tekan2 perut..
iskkk..sakit gak..
tb2 dr jumilah (if not mistaken) said.."i dont see any dilation pon"
haaa? iye ke? i smiled..hatiku bbunga riang..
"kejap..kejap..dr cek lg ye..."
ooh dr,pls say no problem!i cant wait sum more!
"yess..its normal still under range..i dont think it's serious unless bngkak dh besar n nk pecah.
i'm quite happy with da scan're baby is normal.xde problem"
fuhhh..alhamdulillah..syukur ya allah..!!!
then there was Q n A between us n Dr
it was about genetic..
kalau genetik,x leh wat ape kan..
tawakal je la..
tb2 dr napak 'gelang berlian hosp serdang' at my wrist
"u've been admitted?why?"
then i replied.." monitor my bb's heart beat"
she added "oh ye la..i yg suruh,takut jadi la just in xpe la..
since bb xde prob..u bleh discharge la"
i was discharge after had a final check with Dr Hosp Serdang
and plus another 2 days MC
no such word could describe my feelings...